Jemal's story
Our success is measured by your success
The Fighting Chance programmes are for people of all abilities and any level of fitness.
When we met Jemal it was clear he already had amazing levels of fitness and a core strength to be envied.
It turned out he was a qualified personal trainer but had struggled to make a living working out of gyms. We also found out he was passionate about body culture, strength and conditioning training and particularly Calisthenics.
When we got to know Jemal better it was clear his passion and skills could best be used in setting up his own business.
We arranged for Urban MBA to meet him and Jemal was signed up onto their programme. Soon after Jemal won £3000 at a ‘Dragons Den’ type pitching event and also found a job as a Part Time Gym Instructor.
His business JS Bodyworks is thriving and in future Jemal wants to develop a training package that could be rolled out across gyms or gym chains. He’s such an ambitious guy he’s sure to do well.